English Motivational Quotes - Zig Ziglar - Part 2

English Motivational Quotes - Zig Ziglar - Part 2

Zig Ziglar was born in Coffee County in southeastern Alabama to John Silas Ziglar and Lila Wescott Ziglar. He was the tenth of twelve children. In 1931, when Ziglar was five years old, his father took a management position at a Mississippi farm, and his family moved to Yazoo City, Mississippi, where he spent most of his early childhood. The next year, his father died of a stroke, and his younger sister died two days later.Ziglar served in the United States Navy during World War II, from 1943 to 1945. He was in the Navy V-12 Navy College Training Program and attended the University of South Carolina in Columbia, South Carolina. Ziglar later worked as a salesman in a succession of companies. In 1968, he became a vice president and training director for the Automotive Performance company, moving to Dallas, Texas.

Quotes in the video are as follows:

1) Some people find fault like there is a reward for it

2) Attitude, not Aptitude, determines Altitude

3) Ability can take you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there

4) Motivation gets you going and habit gets you there

5) F-E-A-R has two meanings: 'Forget Everything And Run' or 'Face Everything And Rise.' The choice is yours

photo credit : http://www.internetsales20group.com/
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Note : These quotations are the result of internet research, books, newspapers and magazines. The main aim of these quotations is to deliver the golden words to the people who needs them in any part of life.

English Motivational Quotes - Aung San Suu Kyi - Part 1

English Motivational Quotes - Aung San Suu Kyi - Part 1

Aung San Suu Kyi is a Burmese social democratic stateswoman, politician, diplomat and author who serves as the First and incumbent State Counsellor and Leader of the National League for Democracy. She is also the first female Minister of Foreign Affairs of Myanmar and the Minister of President's Office in President Htin Kyaw's Cabinet, and from 2012 to 2016 was a Pyithu Hluttaw MP for Kawhmu Township.
The youngest daughter of Aung San, Father of the Nation of modern-day Myanmar, and Khin Kyi, Aung San Suu Kyi was born in Rangoon, British Burma. After graduating from the University of Delhi in 1964 and the University of Oxford in 1968, she worked at the United Nations for three years. She married Michael Aris in 1972, and gave birth to two children. Aung San Suu Kyi rose to prominence in the 1988 Uprisings, and became the General Secretary of the newly formed National League for Democracy (NLD). In the 1990 elections, NLD won 81% of the seats in Parliament, but the results were nullified, as the military refused to hand over power, resulting in an international outcry. She had, however, already been detained under house arrest before the elections. She remained under house arrest for almost 15 of the 21 years from 1989 to 2010, becoming one of the world's most prominent political prisoners.

Quotes in the video are as follows :

1) The only real prison is fear, and the only real freedom is freedom from fear

2) If you're feeling helpless, help someone

3) You should never let your fears prevent you from doing what you know is right

4) We will surely get to our destination if we join hands

5) My top priority is for people to understand that they have the power to change things themselves

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Note : These quotations are the result of internet research, books, newspapers and magazines. The main aim of these quotations is to deliver the golden words to the people who needs them in any part of life.

English Motivational Quotes - Malcolm Forbes - Part 1

English Motivational Quotes - Malcolm Forbes - Part 1

Malcolm Stevenson Forbes (August 19, 1919 – February 24, 1990) was an American entrepreneur most prominently known as the publisher of Forbes magazine, founded by his father B. C. Forbes. He was known as an avid promoter of capitalism and free market trade, and for an extravagant lifestyle, spending on parties, travel, and his collection of homes, yachts, aircraft, art, motorcycles, and Fabergé eggs.

Forbes was born on August 19, 1919 in Brooklyn, New York, the son of Adelaide Mary (Stevenson) and Scottish-born financial journalist and author B. C. Forbes. He graduated from the Lawrenceville School in 1937 and Princeton University. Forbes enlisted in the Army in 1942 and served as a machine gunner in the 84th Infantry Division in Europe, rising to the rank of staff sergeant. Forbes received a thigh wound in combat, and received a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart.

Quotes in the video are as follows:

1) You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him

2) The purpose of education is to replace an empty mind with an open one

3) To measure the man, measure his heart

4) Its so much easier to suggest solutions when you don't know too much about the problem

5) The art of conversation lies in listening

photo credit : http://assets.nydailynews.com/polopol...
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Note : These quotations are the result of internet research, books, newspapers and magazines. The main aim of these quotations is to deliver the golden words to the people who needs them in any part of life.

English Motivational Quotes - Wayne Dyer - Part 1

English Motivational Quotes - Wayne Dyer - Part 1

Wayne Walter Dyer (May 10, 1940 – August 29, 2015) was an American philosopher, self-help author, and a motivational speaker. His first book, Your Erroneous Zones (1976), is one of the best-selling books of all time, with an estimated 35 million copies sold to date.
Dyer was born in Detroit, Michigan, to Melvin Lyle Dyer and Hazel Irene Vollick, and spent much of his childhood (until age 10) in an orphanage on the east side of Detroit, after his father walked out on the family, leaving his mother to raise three small boys. His parents were originally from Ontario and were members of Baptist Church. After graduating from Denby High School, Dyer served in the United States Navy from 1958 to 1962. He received his degree in counseling from Wayne State University[7] for a dissertation titled Group Counseling Leadership Training in Counselor Education, under the supervision of Mildred Peters

Quotes in the video are as follows :

1) How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours

2) When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself

3) You are not stuck where you are unless you decide to be

4) Passion is a feeling that tells you: this is the right thing to do

5) All blame is a waste of time

photo credit : https://assets.entrepreneur.com/conte...
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Note : These quotations are the result of internet research, books, newspapers and magazines. The main aim of these quotations is to deliver the golden words to the people who needs them in any part of life.

English Motivational Quotes - Stephen R. Covey - Part 1

English Motivational Quotes - Stephen R. Covey - Part 1

Stephen Richards Covey (October 24, 1932 – July 16, 2012) was an American educator, author, businessman, and keynote speaker. His most popular book was The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. His other books include First Things First, Principle-Centered Leadership, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families, The 8th Habit, and The Leader In Me — How Schools and Parents Around the World Are Inspiring Greatness, One Child at a Time. He was a professor at the Jon M. Huntsman School of Business at Utah State University at the time of his death.

Quotes in the video are as follows: 

1) Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply

2) Trust is the glue of life. It's the most essential ingredient in effective communication

3) Most of us spend too much time on what is urgent and not enough time on what is important

4) Start with the end in mind

5) Seek first to understand, then to be understood

photo credit : http://legacylkn.org/wp-content/uploa...

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Note : These quotations are the result of internet research, books, newspapers and magazines. The main aim of these quotations is to deliver the golden words to the people who needs them in any part of life.